Mikhaila Peterson and Dr. Kelly Brogan discuss Kelly’s life story and transition from a psychiatrist in conventional western medicine to completely immersed in the alternative and natural medicine sphere. She shares her life, philosophy, and medical background to back belief in her practitioner approach for her patients fixing health mental health issues using lifestyle and mindset changes with no medication used. They also cover social media and smartphones, Mikhaila similar experiences in the western medical world, and taking the responsibility as an individual to do your own research and make the best informed decisions without being spoon fed by someone else.
Kelly Brogan, M.D. is a holistic psychiatrist, author of the NY Times Bestselling book, A Mind of Your Own, Own Your Self, the children’s book, A Time For Rain, and co-editor of the landmark textbook, Integrative Therapies for Depression. She is the founder of the online healing program Vital Mind Reset, and the membership community, Vital Life Project. She completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Systems Neuroscience. She is specialized in a root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms.
You can still find more Kelly Brogan in a few places, check out here website https://www.kellybroganmd.com, check out her newsletter, and her kids book.
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Show Notes:
[2:30] Mikhaila introduces this episode’s guest Dr. Kelly Brogan. Kelly gives the backstory of her journey through different areas of the medical world, in career/personal discovery, moving from conventional medicine to natural, often called alternative medicine.
[9:30] Mikhaila asks Dr. Kelly how she has been able to take what she learned about the medical community and use it to teach and help others instead of dwelling on the resentment or anger that comes from a bad medical experience. Dr. Brogan is very interested in our strange devotion to the conventional western medical system. Kelly talks about the psychological transition into independence she believes is stunted purposefully in our current western society to keep us dependent on outside institutions to support us while giving us our opinions and meaning.
[18:00] Kelly talks about the importance of taking radical responsibility as the key to true adulthood while self imposed victimhood status is a hallmark of a childish state.
[23:00] Mikhaila talks about her own experience taking responsibility for her own health. Dr. Kelly outlines her notion that the body does not make mistakes, we just don’t know how to listen properly when it alerts us to a potential issue.
[33:00] Mikhaila wants to know the story behind Dr. Brogan’s banning, some call blacklisting, from so many platforms and sources of information.
[43:30] Kelly explains why she feels that we all need to delve into our inner expert, and that no one knows what’s best for your health other than you.
[49:09] We get to hear Kelly’s beef with empathic personalities driving the current societal agendas. Dr. Brogan finally comments on why she is censored for her opinions in so many places.
[56:00] Kelly comments on those that are criticizing her and how she feels they are actually making her stronger as a person. She talks about the transition away from using a smartphone completely
[1:02:00] Mikhaila asks Dr. Brogan about the important health practices in her own life. Kelly touches on sleep, meditation, making yourself and your own needs a priority, strict about aspects of diet, resolving conflicts with family/friends, changing your breakfast, and starting your day with a conscious choice.
[1:09:30] Wrapping up with Kelly Brogan. You can still find more Kelly Brogan in a few places, check out here website kellybroganmd.com, check out her newsletter, and her kids book.