
How Artists Think | Tammy Peterson, Juliette Fogra, and Cesar Santos – Mikhaila Peterson Podcast #75

I had the pleasure of interviewing three different artists, Juliette Fogra, Tammy Peterson, and Cesar Santos. Encompassing many different styles of visual art, all three artists explain important elements of their work, how to get started in any art form, and how they think differently than non-artists.

Juliette (Yuliya) Fogra is an artist from NY, who specializes in digital fine art and graphic design. Find her on her website https://juliettefogra.me/ and Instagram @juliette.fogra

Cesar Santos is a contemporary Cuban-American artist and portrait painter. Find him at https://www.cesarsantos.com/ and on Instagram @santoscesart

Tammy Peterson, my mother, is well versed in sculpture, charcoal drawing, weaving, graphic design, and many other forms of art. Find her on Instagram @tammymoropete

This episode is sponsored by truLOCAL. Visit https://trulocal.ca​ and enter code “MP” to get 2 free ribeye steaks with a large box order. If you’re Canadian and you appreciate quality meat – I’d highly recommend checking them out.

Show Notes:
–Tammy Peterson: – [29:34]–
[3:00] Thinking is pictures vs. thinking in words.
[5:00] Mindfulness – “I hear voices but they are usually not very smart voices. They are manipulative and resentful and angry. […] Being in the present stops all the voices.”
[6:00] When did Tammy know that she wanted to produce art?
[10:00] Learning to draw if you don’t know where to start – Drawing With the Right Side of The Brain: https://tinyurl.com/25ctspt4
[15:00] Surprising facial proportions
[16:00] Examples of Tammy’s artwork
–Juliette Fogra: [29:35] – [59:09]–
[31:00] Juliette’s background and a brief life story
[33:30] watch Yuliya’s conversation with my dad here: https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/podcast/s4-e9-juliette-fogra/
[34:30] How long has Juliette considered herself an artist?
[41:20] Juliette’s advice for how to being your path as an artist. “Do your thing. Do your thing and try not to think while you are doing it because your fears are in the way. Your fears and insecurities are the only things that are in your way.”
[50:00] Juliette Fogra’s favorite artists and her detailed description of why they are her favorite artists
Cesar Santos: [59:10] –
[1:00:00] Cesar’s personal and professional background
[1:02:30] How much of “art” or being creative is talent and how much is skill? Can anyone be an artist?
[1:08:00] Two pieces that Mikhaila created!
[1:10:30] What are the therapeutic qualities of creation?
[1:12:00] How do you become a professional artist?