
#31 Dr. Jill Crista: Mold Toxicity

Dr. Jill Crista (author of Break the Mold, international educator for mold treatment) and I discuss the very serious effects of toxic mold including the symptoms and potential long-term illnesses related to mold infection, how to test your body for mold sickness, removing mold from your home, and the illnesses related to mold infection.

Find Dr. Crista at her website https://drcrista.com/, and on Instagram @drjillcrista

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Show Notes:
9:00 – Mold creates mycotoxins, which are inherently created by the mold to create a better foothold in its environment and force other living organisms out of the same living space. Humans and pets are not the singular target but are a casualty of these toxins.
11:00 – “If you have a happily growing mold in your indoor environment, it’s sending all of these toxins into the air which is now poisoning the air. so as you breathe you are getting this toxic poison that is designed as a bioweapon.”
13:00 – “Lyme has migration, so there is going to be joint pain of your right knee and then it’s your first finger on the left side. you know it could migrate all over, kind of a keynote for Lyme, mold doesn’t do that. “
19:30 – “Kids who are raised in a moldy basement, like their bedroom was in a moldy basement. They are so colonized by that moldy building that they are carrying it with them all through their life.”
21:00 – What do you do when someone who’s been previously colonized by mold, and no longer live in and around an active mold environment?
21:30 – Mycotoxins can be in the food we are eating. Common types of foods that can have these toxins are grains, corn, coffee (beans), cheese, and even some types of aged meats (like prosciutto).
24:00 – “My approach is definitely and that’s consistent with all mold treating doctors is get them away from the mold. you know people aren’t going to get better if they’re in that exposure. Go back to thinking about biowarfare.”
27:30 – Dr. Crista has her patient’s eat a ton of fruits and vegetables to help get the bioflavonoids that have been shown in animal studies to protect against mycotoxins
26:00 – Mold doctors have learned that each color band of the rainbow in foods helps give different support to the body from different strains of mycotoxins. For example, resveratrol, which is a deep blue-purple color, protects the brain and the nervous system and the heart and cardiovascular.
31:00 – “…because I’m using plants I don’t have to wait for someone to be sick enough to warrant or validate the need for a pharmaceutical drug, cause pharmaceutical drugs to have high-risk factors.”
33:30 – Mold could be the one problem to your illness, While it often is in combination with another condition, Dr. Crista has had patients whose only real problem was mold toxicity.
37:00 – Dr. Crista talks about the right path to follow when starting to look into the possibility of mold in your home or living area and why experts in buildings are a key resource.
38:30 – Look for certifications from BBEC, ACAC, IICRC when hiring a mold expert
39:00 – The different tests for identifying mold in your body. People who have extreme sensitivities to things like, specific smells, candles, exhaust from a car, and even certain stores may need more specific testing due to possible incompatibility with easier testing, like the urine mycotoxin test mentioned earlier.
43:30 – Getting mold from your partner is possible. Molds can live inside us and a person who is being treated for mold may live in close proximity to a partner who is not treating and housing mold in their system and can pass that to the sick individual through close proximity like sharing a bed at night.
44:30 – Defining and talking about Biofilm. All humans have a biofilm in our digestive system, a thin layer of sticky substance that is friendly to certain types of bacteria. In a healthy individual, the Biofilm is a positive thing that helps digestion, in an unhealthy person it can be an inflammatory film of bad and harmful bacteria housing and creating more of their kind.
52:00 -The process of remediating your house or mold
55:00 – “The body has an innate healing desire; a drive to feel well… and that trying to heal something might create damage in the body. But that is not your body doing you wrong. Your body is trying to communicate something… So we are wired for health; that is our birthright.”
57:30 – Dr. Crista’s Book “Break The Mold: 5 Tools To Conquer Mold and Take Back Your Health”