
Why You're Failing to Attract Anyone | Dr. Robert Glover - MP Podcast #105

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In this episode, Mikhaila is joined by Dr. Robert Glover. They discussed his book, No More Mr. Nice Guy, and the Nice Guy Syndrome. Dr. Glover explains why he believes many adults are operating from a broken world perspective formed in childhood. If you want to find out whether or not you have the nice guy syndrome, watch this episode.

Dr. Robert Glover is a marriage and family therapist and an author. He refers to himself as a recovering nice guy. He aims to help people transform from being passive, resentful victims to empowered, integrated persons. Dr. Glover published his book No More Mr. Nice Guy in 2003 and since then he’s been helping people through online classes, workshops, podcasts, blogs, consultation, and therapy groups.

If you enjoyed this, be sure to subscribe!

Find more Robert Glover on his website: https://www.drglover.com/

Dr. Robert’s book No More Mr Nice Guy: https://www.amazon.com/No-More-Mr-Nice-Guy/dp/0762415339

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Show Notes
[0:00] Intro
[2:30] Mikhaila introduces this episode’s guest Dr. Robert Glover to talk about his book and theory surrounding “Nice Guys”.
[6:00] What is a “Nice Guy” (or nice girl) according to Glover.
[8:30] How does someone develop into a nice guy? Does it start in childhood experiences?
[13:00] What is the opposite coping mechanism opposed to a nice guy’s passive-aggressive behavior?
[16:00] The three primary covert contracts that nice guys impose on their partner and everyone in their life.
[25:00] What are the first steps to start expressing healthy emotion?
[31:00] Dr. Glover shares a story about the power of honesty and revealing our inner shame.
[37:00] Practical advice for parents on how to discourage their children from developing nice guy tendencies.
[46:00] Are feelings of inadequacy what drive us to succeed in life?
[54:30] Dr. Glover’s opinions on why marriages fail so often, and the nature of adult relationships.
[1:03:30] Wrapping up the show, where to find Dr. Glover online.

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